A Quick Guide to Buying Bespoke Ties for a Children’s Sports Club

Buying branded ties for a children’s sports club can be a great idea. Though they won’t be worn during games, such ties can be great for social activities or when receiving awards and trophies, and they give a nice sense of belonging to everyone who has one. If you haven’t previously thought about picking up custom ties, you should certainly do so, and here are just a few tips that you should follow when you’re deciding on the type of ties you want.

Use the Right Fabric

One of the most important considerations when picking out custom ties is what kind of fabric you want them to be made from. People often gravitate towards silk, but this tends to be quite a poor option when you’re choosing ties for children. Instead, look for an artificial fabric, such as polyester. Such ties might not be as prestigious, but they will be less likely to get creased and take stains. Since children don’t tend to be particularly neat when it comes to hanging up their clothes, these are important benefits.

Choose the Right Length

One of the most common mistakes people make when ordering ties for a children’s sports club is picking out the wrong length. You see, ties tend to come in three sizes; the most common size is adult, but you can also find youth and child options. Child ties tend to be very small, best ordered for children under 10 years of age, while youth ties are a little smaller than adult ones, making them ideal for younger teenagers. Make sure you don’t confuse these two classifications – you could end up with ties that are either vastly too long or ludicrously short.

Opt for the Right Design

Finally, you’re going to have to think about the design. Since the kids are going to have to feel comfortable wearing these ties, it’s best to go for a more muted design. The simplest thing to do is pick out your sport’s teams colours and use those. You can also include a logo, if you have one.

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