Make sure your holiday runs smoothly

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There are all sorts of things that can go wrong when you’re on holiday, and unexpected expenses and hefty prices are only a few of them. The last thing you want to do while you’re only holiday is put yourself in debt, so this best thing to do is plan ahead.

The travel

Travel is one of the most expensive and the most chaotic aspects of a holiday. Airplane tickets, airport parking, car rental, fuel and all of the snacks and drinks you have to buy on the way all add up pretty quickly. By the time you get to your holiday destination you might have already spent most of your holiday budget. So, instead of forking out money to cover all of these costs, plan your travel earlier and save some money.

To save money on flights, simply opt to take your holiday during the off-peak times of year. Spain will still be sunny in May, but the flights will be cheaper and the earlier you book them the more you’ll save. The same can be said for airport parking. The earlier you book your space, the less money you’ll have to pay. To save even more money on your parking, visit a price comparison site like to get great discounts on your holiday parking. And finally, instead of buying all of your snacks and drinks during the journey, pack a picnic for yourself and your family. The prices of food around an airport and at fuel stations tend to be higher than usual because travellers are often left without any other choices. Packing your own food, however, will keep you and your wallet full.

Preparing for emergencies

To a certain extent, none of us can ever be truly prepared for an emergency. However, there are some precautions we can take to reduce the effects of an emergency. Take losing your wallet, for example, or getting it stolen. Most people on holiday carry mostly cash, which can lead to some pretty severe damage when they lose their wallets or bags. One way to minimise your losses is to split up your holiday money into several equal amounts and hide them in different places within your luggage and on your person. This way, if you were to lose one bag you would still have most of your cash left. As an extra precaution, you should only carry a few small bills in your wallet while you’re out and about. This is to minimise damage done if you were to be robbed or pickpocketed.

Making the most of your holiday budget

Before you go on holiday you would greatly benefit from organising a holiday budget to keep you on track with your expenses. By making a list of your usual holiday expenses, you can better organise how you spend your holiday money and avoid overspending. There are lots of little ways that you can avoid unnecessary spending, including cooking your own meals instead of going to restaurants, taking public transportation and walking instead of driving, and avoiding taking home to many souvenirs.

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