How To Save Your Pocket In This Exorbitant World?

When the month of December rolls down, most of us realize that we’ve ended up spending more in this year again. Inspite of making an effective so-called ‘money saving’ resolution in the starting of the year, we can’t stick to it due to our improper planning and impulsive attitude towards spending money for various desired things.
Today’s world is completely a place of instant gratification. But actually, the paramount thing to be done by us should be staying completely focused on saving our bucks by any means we can. So, I decided to help you keeping a track of your spending habits as well as cutting down your extra expenses.
I’ve mentioned below some easy to follow tips which will help you to save each and every day. So, how about beating that instant gratification?
Let’s get started !!
- Shop in a smart and inexpensive way
Nowadays, we are very particular about wearing the best clothes, having a furnished home, do adventurous things to make life exciting etc. But in that process, we end up spending a hell lot of money.
It’s not that we are not aware of this fact, but our desire to lead a luxurious life overtakes the realization in us to be cautious about our expenditure. Isn’t it?? However, you can act smart by purchasing all your desired needs using various deals and discounts from a number of leading UK stores. The one -top solution where you’ll get all such discount offers is Vouchershops.
- A weekly ‘money date’ is must
You must sit down with your money once in a week. And this should be a must-do episode. During that time all you need to do is that you should update your budget, recheck your bank accounts and keep a track of the expenditure progress against your monetary goals. Your financial life is just like yet another relationship of your life. If you wanna improve it, spend time with your money.
- Cut out the ‘no-use’ TV services
Gosh! Cutting out the Television? Never ever! But cut down the extra services like the unnecessary channels which you’ve not watched for a decade. Why would you pay for the things that you feel totally absurd? So, you can now watch your favourite TV shows and programs in a much reasonable way. However, if you feel like your TV channels list is feeling a little empty after cutting everything down, you might want to have a look at the bundle deals available on sites like They include everything in one payment so you don’t have to sign up to multiple service providers.
- Throw a potluck party
You must be having a bunch of friends, right? Well, we all have. But you will agree with me that our rate of spending on lunch dates, birthday parties and gifts increases in a directly proportional way with the number of friends we have.
So, instead of meeting over at a fancy lunch, why can’t you host a potluck and let everyone bring their favourite recipes?? That way you’ll definitely save your pay out on restaurant taxes, waiter tips, parking charges……and the list goes on. Moreover, you’ll also have a more bosom meal with your friends, too.
For starters, make a list of various cuisines for the participants to choose from. Not only will this avoid repetition of dishes and confusion, but it will also help them save time taken to decide who brings what. Then, with a little more time on their hands, they may go on to find cookbooks and resources such as this delicious collection of levantine recipes or another one. All that’s left to do is gather ingredients and get started!
- Make your own coffee
Well, nowadays with so much of work load throughout the day, one thing that acts as a life saver and makes us stress-free is a hot cup of coffee. And during work-breaks, you might absolutely love going to various top branded coffee shops and drink a delicious organic coffee.
However, you should understand that spending 10 to 15 on coffee each and every day is definitely going to add up for you. So, try my words and buy coffee few days a week at cafes and take a bottle of home-made coffee rest of the time while going at work.
- Go for an automatic saving
There are fair chances that you won’t be self-disciplined enough to set apart a portion of your salary every month for savings. So, make sure you have an automatic saving contribution. All the leading banks offer free services that help to transfer a fixed amount from your salary to your saving account every month. So, why not use such smart technologies when you have them around? This will help you to do an organized saving every month.
- Use the apt apps
Now you have an intelligent app for everything, whether it is calling up a car to pick you up at a certain place or ordering your favourite dress. Make sure you know how to use this magical technology. There are apps which help you to find the best deals on different types of expensive designer clothes and accessories. Most of the leading UK stores have such apps, you must explore these.
There are various smart apps available that assist you with budgeting as well as sell your old junks to others. So, make sure you find some of the apps and snap up your saving. You should use these apps on a regular basis.
After reading the aforementioned tips, don’t you think they will definitely do wonders? So, make sure you plan your financial life in a budget-friendly way and enjoy noticing your bank balance grow.
Author Bio: Henry Veno is a content marketer at VoucherShops, a leading online vouchers providing website. He is a thought leader in the realm of content marketing and strategy and relishes inditing about Technology, Marketing & perpetual Industry trends. He’s a techy geek and loves to explore latest happenings.