Making Your Business More Environmentally Friendly: Three Helpful Hints

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There are so many benefits to being environmentally conscious that it’s amazing that all businesses haven’t jumped aboard the green train and are doing everything they can to cut their impact on the environment. Savings can often be made, grants can be acquired from the government, and of course those who are green build a better world for the future. There are many, many different ways in which you can be more green, but let’s take a look at three here.


Using Recycled Products

Using recycled materials makes a huge difference to the environment, because it means we aren’t repeatedly using up the earth’s natural resources; we’re re-using the ones we’ve got. It also usually takes a lot less energy to recycle an old product into a new one than it does to build the new one from scratch. Take a look around your place of work – many of your consumables will be available in recycled form, whether it’s paper or even pens and furniture.

Cutting Down On Travel

Travel is both expensive and environmentally unfriendly. In this day and age, you’ll find that there are a great many business trips taken that are mostly unnecessary, and could actually be done via videoconferencing or even just a telephone call or email. All of those car, train and plane journeys create a lot of pollution, and if you cut down on them, your business will be better for the environment, and will spend a lot less too.


Reducing Energy Consumption

There are so very many things that you can do to cut down on the amount of electricity that you use, but still there are many businesses that don’t pay attention to the small things. Remember that everything adds up. Standby mode on monitors doesn’t use much electricity, but when you’ve got thirty of them running, the cost over a year might just surprise you. Possibly the best thing that’s become widespread in recent years is the use of lights with motion detectors – install these at your business premises and you’ll never need to worry about switching off the lights, and they’ll never be on when they aren’t needed.

There are even more hints for you to use on the TNT website, and this list is by no means exhaustive. Different companies will have different ways to reduce their environmental impact.

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