Tech helping make the Olympics Greener

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Big sporting events are a great spectacle but they leave a large scar on the environment. The effects on the environment are always large and very visible. The bidding, the hosting and the garbage disposal after the closing ceremony are an environmental nightmare.

Rio Olympics 2016 is not an exception. Successfully hosting the Olympics is no easy task. Each time the games are held they are grander than the previous time. This naturally means more air travel, higher consumption of resources and increased wastes to dispose of. The carbon footprint is thus expected to grow each time the games are held and was expected to be the trend until it was no longer environmentally sustainable to hold the games.

Some of the Olympic Partners have taken the initiative to reduce the carbon footprint of the games. The use of cloud technology is one such way they are managing to achieve this objective. Cloud technology at Rio 2016 used less than a third of the servers that were used in the London Olympics. This alone has resulted in a major reduction in the resources that were consumed at the games. The Cloud system has managed to provide up to date information in real-time to the news organisations, coaches and commentators. It is likely that they used application protection, similar to the cloud security products that Radware use, to protect their public cloud data during the Olympics.

Every little effort to reduce the effects of climate change must be applauded. Regardless of how small it may seem. This is because it is the small steps that will come together to make big difference for our planet. Online casinos such as Casino en ligne are another small way that the carbon footprint of our existence is being reduced. We salute the efforts of the gambling community as they take their part in saving our beloved mother earth.

Online casinos and sportsbooks save on energy used during travelling and the papers used to record and confirm transactions at physical locations. You can visit for online casino games. Technology has been blamed for the decline in environmental quality; it can now be its saviour. We wait to see what other ways technology will be used to make our everyday lives more environmentally friendly.

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