The difference between a lawyer, a legal consultant and a law firm consultant.

A law firm consultant is a valuable advisor to both legal consultants and lawyers, advising law firms on business practices and all matters pertaining to law offices. Each of these three professionals plays a different role, but how do they differ?

Legal Consultants

A legal consultant usually advises people, businesses and other organisations around any legal obligations or issues that they may need to be aware of. They provide legal advice by thoroughly investigating the sector that their client operates in and they or professional legal document servers will draft up legal documents and deliver them on time. A legal consultant offers any relevant legal advice to their clients and ensures that their clients (and the work they perform) are in keeping with the law.

A legal consultant may have expertise in a particular field, but this isn’t always the case. Due to their skills and expertise, a legal consultant can represent a company on an ongoing basis, ensure that a business or organisation is in line with all of the current laws and regulations.

Legal consultants are an efficient and affordable way for businesses and in some cases their legal teams to get the assistance they need on an ad-hoc basis. This is becoming a popular choice, with expert lawyers making a move to set up consultancy firms that can offer expert legal advice and support when needed.


Lawyers will usually take on the task of representing and defending their clients in legal proceedings. They give representation during court and mediations and will also represent their clients during business arrangements that involve legal proceedings. Suppose a patient suffers life-threatening conditions due to the negligence of a doctor or nurse, a medical malpractice lawyer Atlanta (or from somewhere else) can help the patient file a lawsuit against the responsible and recover compensation.

There is a lot of behind the scene work taken on by a lawyer that takes place outside of the courtroom or meeting room. They are responsible for communication with their clients and their office is responsible for creating legal documents for clients.

A lawyer thoroughly researches their cases to allow them to come up with different solutions to a query or problem, they will study different research and laws to see how it applies to the case at hand. A lawyer can also take on the role of a legal consultant.

The main difference between the two is that a judge can represent their client before a judge, whereas a consultant will simply ensure that all laws are being followed and that adequate paperwork is in place. Both lawyers and consultants can advise on all areas of law from taxes to employment law.

What is a law firm consultant?

A law firm consultant can advise law firms on business practices and all matters applicable to law offices. For example, they may advise on things such as suitable banking for attorneys, or possibly even client relationships, anything which might be key to a law firm being run smoothly. They can be of great value to both lawyers and legal consultants, plus other staff within a law firm.

A law firm, on the other hand, is usually a business formed by one or more lawyers that offers legal services to clients. Additionally, they can provide legal representation in a particular niche. For example, law firms like Subin Associates tend to have expertise in personal injury law. They can collect proper evidence in the case of accidents in order to provide compensation to the victims. Furthermore, the effectiveness of such firms might be enhanced by a law firm consultant who can assist and advise legal firms with their practice. They can help with everything from accounting to client onboarding and case management.

A law firm consultant can help to organise a law firm, using their expertise in both law and business to ensure the firm is operating in the most efficient way possible. This can help greatly with business growth, as there will be strategies in place within the business that will help to focus and drive staff.



