Travelling in Style: What should we expect from the New Crossrail Carriages?

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According to initial sources, the burgeoning Crossrail project in the capital is set to emerge as one of the most exciting construction developments in recent times. This will make a world of difference to individuals in the east and west of London who make regular commutes to the capital, reducing journey time, optimising productivity and even making the Tube 10% more efficient over time.

When you also consider the benefits that the project will bring to the economy and London property market, it is hardly surprising that travellers can scarcely wait until the Crossrail Station opening in 2019.

What should we expect from the New Crossrail Carriages?


While not all of the details of this project are known, there are some tangible elements that we can focus on. We are aware of the technology that will exist in the new Crossrail carriages, for example, which will help to create an enjoyable and pleasant journey for commuters:

Air-conditional Walkways

Have you ever been stood on a tube or train carriage that is filled to capacity? If you are, you will probably be familiar with the odours and discomfort that this can generate, especially after a long, hard day during the heat of summer. Fortunately, the Crossrail team have pre-empted this issue and installed each carriage with air-conditioned walkways, meaning that passengers can enjoy clean air flow, climate controlled conditions and an ultimately enjoyable journey to and from their place of work.

Real-time Information systems

During a recent trip to Italy, I found that I had to crick my neck and browse on-board posters to determine my next stop while travelling from Venice to Rome. This was highly indicative of the issues that exist on public transit, while it also underlines the value of having touchscreen, real-time information portals on-board any mode of transportation. The new Crossrail carriages will each have a real-time information system for the convenience of customers, delivering news of upcoming stops, services and any potential delays.

Wi-Fi and 4G Connectivity

Many of the proposed 200 million Crossrail customers will be commuting to the centre of London, meaning that they will be relying on wireless connectivity to make the most of this time by completing work tasks. The new Crossrail should not disappoint either, delivering free Wi-Fi to all customers (both in carriage and on all designated platforms), while travellers will also have the option to access 4G connections while on the move.

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