The Top Dos and Don’ts for the Best Banner Design Ever

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Designing a banner may seem intimidating, especially if it’s your first go at it – there are bound to be questions (such as: where do we start?). The bad news is that it is indeed a tricky thing, as there are a lot of factors to consider, and you need to get it right. The good news, however, is that it’s quite straightforward if you keep some simple rules in mind.

The first rule is to understand your target demographic thoroughly. This means knowing your company, brand, product, or service, as well as the customers who would find it beneficial. Once you’ve conducted your research and have a clear understanding, the next step is relatively straightforward. You just need to engage a Large Format Printing company to print your banner. When designing your banner, consider the following dos and don’ts for the best design possible.

Things to do

There are certain issues you should definitely do. Here are the top three:

  • Make use of templates. Your printer or designer will probably have some templates lying around – they are used because they have been proven to work. Use them. You don’t have to copy it, necessarily, but you can learn a lot and get good ideas from them.
  • Use only one image. One image is better than 4 smaller images. If you want to promote your restaurant, show a picture of your most famous dish – don’t show the whole menu.
  • Stay in line with your company and your logo. Use the colours of your company and the logo to its advantage. Have a smooth and consistent theme.

What to avoid

There are some important things to avoid. Here are the most important ones:

  • Never use specific dates. If you mention specific dates or specific events on your banner, you won’t be able to use it again at later dates or at other events – especially true for pop up banner stands designed for use in different trade shows and exhibitions.
  • Don’t give too much information. You want your message to stay clear, and you have only limited space. Stick to the point and keep your message simple.
  • Don’t be fancy. Stick to clear fonts, clear pictures, and a clear message.

It’s tempting to think you have designed that wonderful pop up or roller banner and that it is going to work wonders just because you put so much time, effort, and love in it – the reality is, however, that the proof is in the pudding and to ensure your banner has the maximum effect, it should always be designed with the customer in mind – how will they respond? It’s normal if you find the project to be a little overwhelming – which is why there is always professional help around. Don’t hesitate to call in the experts; the design of your banner is too important for hesitation and second-guessing. Your banner should be designed with success in mind, after all.


Image attributed to sumetho/

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